Workers’ Comp Questions? Virtual Claim Kit Has Answers!

work injury claim form

Many questions can arise in the administration of workers’ compensation insurance programs. Beyond what to do when a claim arises, the compliance, notification and forms can be a web of confusion as well. The good news is that it does not have to be difficult, and there is an easy, accessible resource for our agents and insureds.

Berkley FinSecure’s Virtual Claim Kit provides resources for not only filing a claim, but also to assist in answering questions at a state-level regarding compliance, notifications and up-to-date forms. This is available to our insureds and agents via our homepage at and by clicking on the “Workers’ Compensation Virtual Claims Kit and Forms” link in the orange bar. While this may not address all questions, and certainly is not a resource for hypothetical questions better addressed by a human resources professional or attorney, it is a good starting point that can prove beneficial in pointing to state requirements and up-to-date forms for filing claims.

While visiting our site, you can also access past information regarding workers’ compensation. This includes information regarding volunteers under a workers’ compensation program, the impact of keeping in contact with employees to encourage return-to-work, and financial and organizational benefits to strong return-to-work programs. These are all tools available to assist in the design and implementation of strong risk management programs.

Beginning the claims process is not always easy, and these resources coupled with our professionals are here to smooth out the bumps. Easy answers are not always available, but our experts are focused on your protection, so you can be focused on your organization.

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Make Sure Your Financial Institution Clients Have the Right Coverage

Contact any one of the FI insurance experts below for help in making sure your FI customers have the right coverage from a strong, stable company!

VP Sales and Distribution/Great Plains Region
Jon Martin
[email protected]
Southeast Region
Scott Mynatt
[email protected]
Northeast Region
Jeanne Shrum
[email protected]
South Region
Scott Harris
[email protected]
Great Lake Regions
Dave Cassel
[email protected]
Northwest Region
Pete Verretto
[email protected]

The post Workers’ Comp Questions? Virtual Claim Kit Has Answers! appeared first on Berkley FinSecure.

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