Simple Steps to Reduce EPL Risk

One Employee’s Story had an interesting article recently about sexual harassment in the workplace written from an employee’s perspective (view here). One of the critical turning points in this person’s saga is the interaction she had with her HR department after reporting the harassment allegation. The employee’s feeling of running into a dead end and not being taken seriously were factors that eventually led to a lawsuit after no action was perceived to have been taken.

Take Serious Action and Keep People Informed

Circumstances behind incidences such as this are all different with many sides to each story.  However, the overriding theme for any financial institution, indeed any employer, is that in order to reduce risk they must take allegations seriously and take action. In addition, proactively keeping both the complainant and the accused informed of current and future steps is important not only to move the allegation to resolution, but also to maintain the perception of action among the parties involved. People are better able to cope with almost any situation when they have a clear idea of the status and they believe their concerns are being taken seriously.

Most financial institutions and their HR departments are not experts when it comes to dealing with employment practices liabilities such as sexual harassment claims.  That’s why Berkley FinSecure established the EPL Carry*Thru Help Line.

EPL Carry*Thru – The Help Your Customers Need During Their Time of Need

Lawsuits and litigation related to employment practices are one of the leading causes of escalating liability claims for financial institutions. Often, the ability to discuss the legal implications of a decision or situation is the best solution to reducing exposure to a potential claim.

We have partnered with Jackson Lewis P.C., one of the leading law firms in the country focused on employment practices law, to provide our Management Liability Policy insureds who purchase the Employment Practices Liability (EPL) coverage option with risk management services.

Berkley FinSecure’s customers, who purchase Employment Practices Liability coverage, have access to a toll free Help Line. Through the EPL Carry*Thru Help Line, which may also be accessed from our website, policyholders are eligible to receive free employment practices information and general guidance from Jackson Lewis. In addition, Berkley FinSecure’s customers have access to other services offered by Jackson Lewis such as assistance in developing employment policies and an H. R. handbook as well as supervisor training, seminars and programs at discounted rates.

Click here for more information on EPL Carry*Thru and our other risk management service, CYBER Carry*Thru.

Make Sure Your Financial Institution Clients Have the Right Coverage

Make sure your customers have the right insurance coverage from the financial institution experts, Berkley FinSecure.  Contact any one of us below for help in making sure your FI customers are protected!

Contact any one of us below for help in making sure your financial institution customers are protected!

VP Sales and Distribution
Jon Martin 410-372-6325
   Midwest Region
   Chuck Cook 913-553-8559
Northeast Region
Jeanne Shrum 207-415-4587
   West Region
   Scott Harris 512-800-5393
Mid-Atlantic/South Regions
Dave Cassel 443-987-8619
   Northwest Region
   Pete Verretto 973-775-5233

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Products and services are provided by one or more insurance company subsidiaries of W. R. Berkley Corporation. Not all products and services are available in every jurisdiction, and the precise coverage afforded by any insurer is subject to the actual terms and conditions of the policies as issued. Certain coverages may be provided through surplus lines insurance company subsidiaries of W. R. Berkley Corporation through licensed surplus lines brokers. Surplus lines insurers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.

For additional information concerning W.R. Berkley Corporation’s insurance company subsidiaries, please visit: 

The post Simple Steps to Reduce EPL Risk appeared first on Berkley FinSecure.

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